"We Deliver Quality to
Concrete our Reputation"






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ISO 9001:2015 Certification on Quality Management System Awareness Training


ETE Group strives to always keep up its quality. A Quality Management System is among the tools that allow us to do just that. We, therefore, held an ISO 9001:2015 Certification on Quality Management System Awareness Training at our head office on 1 November 2021. Our Executive Director, as well as managers and senior and junior staff from different departments (Operations, Technical, Warehouse, Sales, Safety, Human Resource, Accounting, and Finance) attended the two-hour training. The participants learned about the fundamentals of quality management and principles of ISO 9001:2015 framework. They also gained an insight into how ISO 9001:2015 thinking is reflected to the everyday activities of an organization. 


We deliver quality to concrete our reputation.